Niiluse krokodill on maailma suuruselt teine roomaja ning elutseb ta peamiselt mageveekogudes. Väga harva võib neid leida ka jõgede deltades või laguunides, kuhu merevesi sisse tungib, kuid just sellises laguunis, iSimangaliso märgalal (LAV-s), on pildid tehtud. Ühe väikese kanali serval need kaks krokodilli aega surnuks lõid ning passides ja saaki oodates võivad need loomad liikumatult püsida tunde, vahest ka päevi. Tegemist on vist üsna populaarse molutamiskohaga - sellele viitab kaldast üles viiv, korralikult sissetallatud, teerada.
The Nile crocodile is the second largest reptile in the world and it prefers fresh water bodies as a habitat. Sometimes they are also found in the river deltas and lagoons which are constantly flooded by seawater and exactly by that kind of lagoon in iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa are these photos taken. On the shore of a small canal, these two crocs were passing the time and waiting for the prey and they can go without moving for hours, sometimes for days. It seems to be a popular hangout place as the path leading up the bank is rather trampled.
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