Seeria viimane "pääsuke". Sakilise nokaga hall-sarvnokk on kuni poole meetri pikkune ning ohustatud liikide hulka ei kuulu. Huvitava faktina tooks välja selle, et neid linde tõmbavad savannitulekahjud, kuna kuumus ajab putukad õhku tõusma ning pisikesed elukad liikvele, muutes nad lindudele kergeks saagiks. Krugeri rahvuspark, LAV.
The last of the series - African Grey Hornbill. This hornbill, with a serrated bill, is up to 50 cm long and is not an endangered species. It is an interesting fact that they are attracted to grass fires and will travel great distances to reach them. In case of fire, the small critters will flee and the insects rise into the air, making them ideal prey for the birds. Kruger National Park, South Africa.
Pildile jäi mul Aafrikas tegelikult 6 liiki, kuid maa-sarvnokast kahjuks rohkem pilte pole, kui need siin. Kõiki neid sarvnokkasid ühendab aga see (peale ilmselgete väliste tunnuste), et väga palju rahvad peavad neid pühadeks lindudeks.
Actually I was able to photograph 6 species of hornbills in Africa but I have no other photos of Southern Ground-hornbills than these. What unites these birds (besides the obvious) is the fact that the hornbills are considered sacred in many African cultures.
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