This bird with a fancy crest - Black Heron or Black Egret - has a very peculiar way of fishing.
Ta tekitab tiibadega vee kohale sellise kupli ja siis ootab. Ootab nõgihaigur nimelt seda, et kalad hakkaksid mõtlema: "Ahaa, seal on vee kohal vari, järelikult asub see puu all. Puu pealt kukub aga toitu, seega ujun sinna."
It creates kind of a dome above the water with its wings and waits. The egret waits for the fish to start thinking: "Hey, there's a shadow above the water, thus it is situated under the tree. And there is always food falling from the tree, therefore I will swim there".
Ning nagu näha, siis see meetod (vabas tõlkes võrakalastamine) töötab. Gautengi provints, LAV.
And as you can see - the method (called canopy fishing) works. Gauteng province, South Africa.
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