Tavasaimiri, keda tuntakse ka klounahvina, on 25-32 cm pikk (ilma
sabata). Ta elab Amazonase primaar- ja degradeerunud metsades, veekogude
lähedal ning liigub tavaliselt maapinnast mõne meetri kõrgusel, kus
taimestik on tihe, oksad peenikesed ja liaanid (väänkasvud) arvukad. Ahv
võib laskuda ka maapinnale, et otsida selgrootuid, mis moodustavad suure
osa tema toidulauast. Ta on väga aktiivne ja veedab suure osa päevast
ringi liikudes. Foto sai tehtud Ecuadori Amazonases, Cuyabeno
Ecuadorian squirrel monkey a.k.a clown monkey measures from 25-32cm
(without tail). It lives in primary and degraded forests, near water
bodies in the Amazon. It usually moves a few metres above the ground
where vegetation is dense, branches are thin and lianas (vines) abound.
The monkey may descend to the ground to look for invertebrates which
represent a large proportion of its diet. It is very active, spending
most of the day moving around. The photo was taken in the
Ecuadorian Amazon, in the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve.