12. september 2019

Hallhani, Anser anser

Hallhani, Anser anser, Feral Goose, Grey, Greylag, hani, Kuihi
Uus-Meremaal kutsutakse hallhanesid metshanedeks, sest kõigi nende esivanemate hulgas on vähemalt üks lind, kes on kellegi õue pealt plehku pannud ja otsustanud hakata iseseisvaks (ehk metsistunud). Loodusliku migratsiooni (nt Aasiast) sinna saartele toimunud pole. Samas täna on metshaned siiski metsikud linnud, kes saavad ilma inimeseta kenasti hakkama. See ei välista muidugi seda, et parvedega liitub värskeid tulijaid taluhoovidelt. Foto on tehtud Hamurana allikate kaitsealal, Uus-Meremaal.
Greylag geese are known in New Zealand as Feral Geese as at least one of the ancestors of each bird was a domesticated goose. There has been no natural immigration (for example from Asia) to these islands. But today these geese are wild birds that can survive quite well without human interference which of course does not rule out the possibility that there are some fresh newcomers to the flocks from the farmyards. The photo was taken in Hamurana Springs Reserve, Aotearoa, New Zealand.

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