4. veebruar 2019

Kormoran, Phalacrocorax carbo novaehollandiae, Kawau

Kormoran on lind, keda leidub praktiliselt igal pool maailmas (Lõuna-Ameerika välja arvatud). Uus-Meremaal elutsev alaliik on saanud endale eesliite must, sest... no ta on musta värvi. Maoorid kutsuvad lindu kawauks. Foto on tehtud Milford Soundi väinas, Fiordlandis, Uus-Meremaal.
Black Shag is a bird that is found in most parts of the world except South America. In most of the places this bird is called great cormorant, Australasian subspecies is for some reason defined by its color (it is also black in other regions). Maoris call it kawau. The photo was taken in Milford Sound, Fiordland, New Zealand.

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