25. oktoober 2017

Momotus lessonii, Blue-diademed motmot

Momotus lessonii, Blue-diademed Motmot, momota, Lesson Momotus lessonii, Blue-diademed Motmot, momota, Lesson
See kirju sulestiku ja uhke sabaga motmot ootab reeglina oma saaki, kusagil madalal oksal liikumatult passides. Kuna sabasuled on pikad ja keskelt peened nagu traadid, mille otstes on laiad "lapakad", siis tuuleiilide käes saba siiski veidike võngub. Sellel on aga oma konkreetne praktiline otstarve - kui metsa all sisalik seda liikumist märkab ja tõstab pea, et asja lähemalt uurida, reedab ta oma asukoha ning motmot saab kõhu täis. Fotod tehtud Curi-Cancha kaitsealal Monteverdes, Costa Ricas.
Blue-diademed motmot with its pied plumage and fancy tail usually waits for its prey sitting quietly on the branch in understory. As the tail feathers are long and bare in the middle - the wide tail-ends often swing in the breeze. This feature has quite practical purpose - when lizard on the ground sees movement and looks up, it reveals the location to motmot and the bird can have yet another meal. The photos are taken in Curi-Cancha Reserve, Costa Rica.

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