13. august 2017

Ameerika krokodill, Crocodylus acutus

Ameerika krokodill, Crocodylus acutus, American crocodile
Tarcolese jõe suue ei ole hoolimata kaunist ümbrusest hea supluskoht. Selliseid kuni 6 meetri pikkuseid ja kuni tonn kaaluvaid Ameerika krokodille jagus sinna kõvasti, kohati vesi lausa kihas nendest. Carara rahvuspark, Costa Rica.
The mouth of Tarcoles river is not a good swimming spot despite the beautiful surroundings. American crocodiles can weigh up to a ton and be 6 metres long and in some places the river was teeming with these beasts. Carara National Park, Costa Rica.

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