3. veebruar 2017

Kaksvarvaslaisik, Choloepus hoffmanni

Kaksvarvaslaisik, Choloepus hoffmanni hoffmanni, Hoffmann's two-toed sloth, laiskloom, northern, laisik Kaksvarvaslaisik, Choloepus hoffmanni hoffmanni, Hoffmann's two-toed sloth, laiskloom, northern, laisik
Kaksvarvaslaisik ei ole nii fotogeeniline kui tema kolme varbaga liigikaaslane ning välimus ei ole neil ainus erinevus. Nii on kaksvarbad öise eluviisiga (kolmvarbad päevasega), neil on vähem selgroolülisid ja oluliselt rohkem ribisid, nende käed ja jalad on sama pikad (kolmvarbal käed selgelt pikemad) ja nad on omnivoorid (kolmvarbad aga rangelt taimetoitlased). Aga neil on ka midagi ühist - neid on džunglist praktiliselt võimatu leida, sest loomad on reeglina kõrgel puu otsas ja ei liiguta. Teisalt - kui sa ta juba korra üles leiad, siis võid rahulikult looma mittemidagitegemist nautida ja pildistada, sest... nad endiselt ei liiguta. Manuel Antonio rahvuspark, Costa Rica.
Hoffmann's two-toed sloth is not as photogenic as its relative three-toed sloth and the looks is not the only difference. Two-toed sloths are nocturnal (threes are diurnal), they have less vertebrae and much more ribs, they have arms that are about the same size as their legs (threes have much longer arms than legs) and they are omnivores (threes are strictly vegetarians). But they do have something in common - it is close to impossible to find them in the jungle as they are high up on trees and they do not move. On the other hand - if you are lucky and see one, then you can take your time and observe the animal not doing anything as... well, it does not move. Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica.

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