8. juuli 2016

Hallturako, Corythaixoides concolor

Hallturako lemmiktoiduks on puuviljad ja marjad, mistõttu puuviljaaedade omanike jaoks on tegemist kahjur-linnuga. Seetõttu teda ka kütitakse ning harv pole juhus, kus ta pärast põllumehe toidulauale jõuab. Sellest hoolimata lind ohustatud liikide hulka ei kuulu. Antud foto on tehtud metsikus looduses, Krugeri rahvuspargis, LAV-s.
The favorite food of Grey Go-away-bird are fruits and berries therefore it is considered a pest by orchard owners. For that reason the bird is also hunted and it is not unusual that after that it will find its way to the dining table. Despite that, grey lourie is not a threatened species. This photo is taken in the wild, in Kruger National Park, South Africa.

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