29. juuli 2016

Eupherusa eximia, Stripe-tailed Hummingbird

See eestikeelse nimeta koolibri on Kesk-Ameerika endeemne liik. Elukohana eelistab ta mägisemaid ja niiskemaid piirkondi ning enamuse oma ajast veedab ta puude latvades. Tema kindlaks eritunnuseks on oranžikas-beežikas triip tiival. Muidu on koolibrisid vahest üsna raske eristada, sest erinevate nurkade alt vaadates, võivad värvitoonid üsna oluliselt erineda (nagu ka siit piltidelt näha). Curi-Cancha kaitseala Monteverdes, Costa Ricas.
Stripe-tailed Hummingbird is endemic to Central America and it prefers mountainous and wet forests. The bird spends most of its time in the canopy. The Stripe-tailed Hummingbird’s most distinctive feature is probably its rufous wing patch, otherwise it sometimes is quite difficult to distinguish one hummingbird from the other. As you can see from the photos - the colors change drastically, depending on the angle you are looking at the bird. Curi-Cancha Reserve in Monteverde, Costa Rica.

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