2. juuni 2016

Punajalg-kapralkoolibri, Chalybura urochrysia melanorrhoa

Punajalg-kapralkoolibri, Chalybura urochrysia melanorrhoa, Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer, Red-footed, koolibri
Punajalg-kapralkoolibri ametlik liiginimi inglise keeles on pronkssaba, kuid kuna Costa Ricas on linnu saba hoopis must, siis seal kutsutakse teda pigem punajalaks. Osad on veel täiesti veendunud, et tegemist on ka eraldi liigiga, kuid need osad on veel vähemuses. On kuidas on, kuid selliselt see segadusse ajav koolibri Sarapiqui orus, Costa Ricas pildile jäi.
Red-footed Plumeleteer or Bronze-tailed Plumeleteer, that is the question. The official name of the species is  bronze-tailed plumeleteer but in Costa Rica the tail of the bird is actually black, therefore it is called red-footed plumeleteer in that country. Some even say that these are two different species but this is not accepted by many scientists. Whatever the bird is called, this photo is taken in Sarapiqui valley, Costa Rica.

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