18. jaanuar 2016

Tavaninakaru, Nasua narica

Keegi on kesal.
Someone is at the meadow.
No ei anna piltnikule end kätte, ikka nägu risu sees.
It does not want to cooperate with the photographer at all, the face is still covered.
Lõpuks ometi!
Passisin selle tavaninakaru tegemisi ligikaudu 15-20 minutit ning selle aja jooksul tõstis ta vaid paar korda nina rohu seest hetkeks välja. USA lõunaosast kuni Kolumbiani kohatav pesukarulane sööb kõike - putukaid, puuvilju, linnumune, kahepaikseid, madusid ning ei ütle ära ka lihast, kui mõni loomakarkass tee peale jääb. Curi-Cancha kaitseala, Costa Rica. 
I watched this White-nosed coati (a.k.a coatimundi) in action for about 15-20 minutes and during that time it raised its head from the grass only couple of times. And only for a moment. You can find coatimundis from the southern USA to Columbia and this animal is an omnivore. It feeds basically on anything - insects, fruits, bird eggs, vertebrates, snakes and it does not say no to an animal carcass if it happens to find one. Curi-Cancha Reserve, Costa Rica.

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