11. jaanuar 2016

Roohabekas, Panurus biarmicus

Roohabekas, Panurus biarmicus, Bearded Reedling, roovilbas, Parrotbill, Tit, habekas, vilbas
Roohabekal on talve- ja suveperioodil täiesti erinev menüü. Suvel toitub lind erinevatest selgrootutest ning seemneid reeglina ei puutu. Sügisel aga habeka maoseinad paksenevad oluliselt ning seda selleks, et ta suudaks talvel seedida kõvu kõrkjaseemneid. Seetõttu võib neid roostikes kohata ka kõige külmemate ilmadega.
Bearded reedling has a completely different menu in summer and winter. During summer the bird feeds on different invertebrates and usually never even looks towards seeds. But in autumn the walls of its stomach thicken considerably, so the reedling could digest hard seeds in winter. Therefore you can find these birds in reed beds even on the coldest winter days.
Roohabekas, Panurus biarmicus, Bearded Reedling, roovilbas, Parrotbill, Tit, habekas, vilbas
Kuigi enamuse ajast on roohabekad (teine nimi on roovilbas) tiheda roomassiivi sees, kõikudes kõrte tippudes, siis see isend õnneks halastas poolkülmunud piltnikule ja võttis korra vaevaks ka poseerida. Fotod tehtud Harjumaal.
Although most of the time the bearded reedling (a.k.a Bearded Tit a.k.a Bearded Parrotbill) is deep inside a thick reed bed, this one fortunately had mercy on the half-fozen photographer and took a time to pose a little. The photos are taken in Harjumaa, Estonia.

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