29. november 2015

Vöötselg-väikerähn, Dendropicos fuscescens

Isane ja...
Male and...
...emane vöötselg-väikerähn. Tegemist on ilmselt Aafrika kõige levinuma rähniga, teda leidub igal pool Saharast lõunas. Söögiks tarvitab peamiselt sipelgaid ja termiite, kuid vahest hammustab ka puuvilju peale. Fotod tehtud uMkhuze looduskaitsealal, Mkuzes, LAV-s.
...female Cardinal Woodpecker. It is probably the most common and widespread of all African woodpeckers, with a range extending across sub-Saharan Africa. Its diet mainly consists of ants and termites but sometimes this woodpecker also nibbles on fruits. The photos are taken in uMkhuze Game Reserve, Mkuze, South Africa.

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