28. august 2015

Tait, Gallinula chloropus meridionalis

Meilgi kohatava tiigikana Aafrikas elav alamliik. Taitide puhul on üheks iseärasuseks see, et emased kaklevad isase pärast, mitte vastupidi. Peale jääb tavaliselt kõige raskem emane, kes siis valib omale partneriks väikese isase, kellel on suured rasvareservid. Suur rasvavaru nimelt aitab kauem mune haududa. Gautengi provints, LAV.
African common moorhen is a subspecies of moorhens, similar birds you can find also in Europe. With moorhens or gallinules it is interesting that the female, not the male, is the one that competes with other females for a mate. In fights, the heaviest female tends to win. She usually picks the small males with large fat reserves because they will be able to help incubate the eggs longer. Gauteng province, South Africa.

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