15. august 2015

Plüü, Pluvialis squatarola

Minu esimene fotokohtumine plüüga (vasakul). Kuigi ta on nii rüdidest kui tildritest (paremal seisab võrdluseks mudatilder) selgelt suurem, on tegemist palju arglikuma kahlajaga. Niipea kui midagi kahtlast toimub, on plüü esimene, kes ära lendab, tehes sellega ka teised rannalinnud ärevaks. Foto tehtud päikeseloojangu aegu Läänemaa rannikul.
My first photo encounter with a Grey Plover or Black-bellied Plover (on the left). Although it is larger than the stints and the sandpipers (Wood Sandpiper is standing on the right), this wader is very edgy. As soon as something suspicious happens, grey plover is the first to take off, making also the other shorebirds anxious. The photo is taken just before the sunset on the shorelina of Läänemaa, Estonia.

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