19. märts 2015

Punanokk-pühvlilind, Buphagus erythrorhynchus

Punanokk-pühvlilind jalgupidi toidulaual. Lisaks karvades leiduvatele putukatele ja looma verele, söövad need linnud veel ka kõrvavaiku. Aga mitte kõigile selline täisteenuspuhastus ei istu - elevandid, vesivohlud ja mõned antiloobid ajavad nad kohe minema. Sellel pildil on aga pühvlilind suurkudu seljas ja neile tundub see asi sobivat. Krugeri rahvuspark, LAV.
Red-billed Oxpecker standing on the dining table. Besides the different bugs that are found in the fur and the blood of the animal, these birds also feed on ear wax. But not all animals tolerate this kind full cleaning service - elephants, waterbucks and some antelopes chase them away immediately. In this photo the oxpecker is standing on a greater kudu and it does not seem to mind at all. Kruger National Park, South Africa.

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