13. jaanuar 2015

Safran-kangurlind, Ploceus subaureus

Kevad (LAV mõistes siis september/oktoober) on pesapunumise aeg ning selle tööga tegeleb isaslind.
Spring (september/october in South Africa) is a time for nest building and this is a job for a male Yellow Weaver (aka African Golden Weaver).
Emaslind käib vahepeal vaatamas, et kas ehitus käib ikka talle sobiva projekti järgi.
The female comes inspecting from time to time to make sure that the construction goes according to her project. 
"Mis sa vaatad, pole pesaehitust varem näinud või?" Umhlanga laguuni kaitseala, LAV.
"What are you looking at? You haven't seen a nest building before or what?" Umhlanga Lagoon Nature Reserve, South Africa.

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