16. november 2014

Elevandirannik, Elephant coast

Elevandirannik asub LAV-i kirdenurgas, iSimangaliso märgala kaitsealal. Need mustad triibud liival ei ole mitte mustus vaid maa seest välja pressiv titaanium. Antud piirkond on äärmiselt maavaraderikas, kuid õnneks toimub kaevandamine väga väikesel alal pargist lõunas ning ülejäänud territoorium on ilusti kaitse all.
The elephant coast is situated in north-eastern part of South Africa, in iSimangaliso Wetland Park. These black lines on the sand is not dirt but titanium that is pouring out of the ground. This area is very rich of minerals but luckily the mining is allowed only on a quite small territory south from there and the other territories are nicely protected.

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