19. oktoober 2014

Roosa-toonekurg, Mycteria ibis

Roosa-toonekurg on sel linnul nimeks, samas pildi järgi nagu väga ei ütleks, et oleks roosa. Tegelikult see päris vale nimi ka pole, sest keskmisel täiskasvanud linnul on sulestikus piisavalt mainitud värvust. Samas inglise keelne nimi - kollase nokaga kurg ei tekitaks kordagi kahtlusemomenti. Aga no kui roosa, siis roosa. Krugeri Rahvuspark, LAV.
In estonian this bird is called Pink Stork, although as you can see, the bird is not too pink. Well, actually the name is not that wrong as the the plumage of an average adult is mainly pinkish-white. The english name is in my opinion a bit more concrete and accurate - Yellow-billed Stork. Kruger National Park, South Africa.

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