13. september 2014

Aafrika madukael, Anhinga rufa

Mitte just parim pilt, aga sellest linnust kahjuks ainuke. Madusid lind küll ei söö, kuid kael on tal pikk ja tihtipeale ujub niiviisi, et ainult kael ongi veest väljas – sellest ka nimi. Sügava vees istuvusega on ta aga seetõttu, et tema suled ei sisalda õlist ainet, mistõttu need kipuvad läbi vettima ja kere muutub raskeks. Sulgi kuivatab madukael aga sarnaselt kormoranile – kalda peal või kivil seistes ning tiivad laiali. Kormoranist eristab teda aga selgelt sirge ja terav nokk. uMkhuze looduskaitseala, Mkuze, LAV. 
Not the greatest photo of the African Darter (aka Snakebird) but unfortunately the only one I got from this species. It does not feed on snakes but the neck is long like a snake and sometimes it swims with only the neck above water, hence the name. It sits deeper in the water because the feathers of the darter do not contain any oil and are therefore not waterproof allowing these to become waterlogged. Snakebird dries the feathers on the shore or standing on a rock like a cormorant but the pointed bill should prevent confusion with cormorants. uMkhuze Game Reserve, Mkuze, South Africa.

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