17. juuni 2014

Hallõgija, Lanius excubitor

Hallõgija, Lanius excubitor, Great Grey Shrike, Northern, õgija
Hallõgijal endal väga vaenlasi pole, kuna tegemist on üsna osava lendajaga. Küll on ta aga tihaste, lehelindude ja teiste väikeste tiivuliste ning ka näriliste hirm. Hallõgija rahvapärane nimetus on muuhulgas tihasekull, ladinakeelne nimi tähendab otsetõlkes "valvur-lihunikku". Harjumaa.
Great grey shrike does not have many enemies as it is an excellent flyer. But the shrike itself is feared by many - warblers, tits and other small birds and rodents. Its' vernacular names include "choking angel" and "great butcher-bird", latin name means in translation "sentinel butcher". Harjumaa, Estonia

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