31. mai 2016

Ameerika tundratüll, Charadrius semipalmatus

Meie liivatülli "lombitagune" lähisugulane - Ameerika tundratüll. Linnu pesitsuspiirkond on Põhja-Kanada ja Alaska tundra ning muul ajal võib teda leida tervelt Ameerika kontinendilt, kuid vahest harva satub tundratüll ka Euroopasse. Täpselt kui palju teda siin leidub, seda pole teada, sest ta on liivatüllist väga raskesti eristatav. Foto tehtud Kariibi mere rannikul, Costa Ricas.
The close relative from "across the pond" of our own ringed plover - Semipalmated Plover. The breeding ground of the bird is the tundra of the Northern Canada and Alaska, in other times it migrates all across the continent and sometimes it even reaches Europe. How many of them reaches Europe is unknown because of the difficulty in identifying them from the ringed plover. The photo is taken in the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.

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